“Master Boat Builder with 31 Years of Experience Finally Releases Archive Of 518 Illustrated, Step-By-Step Boat Plans!“
Master Boat Builder, Martin Reid, Teaches YOU How To:
My Passion For Boats Started As A Young Child
Hi, my name is Martin Reid and my fascination with boats began as a very young child.
My father would take me out to harbor, and I’d watch the boats bringing in the “catch of the day”. It all seemed so magically to me as I think back to my childhood.
As my love of all things marine grew, my father started to take notice.
On my 12th birthday, my father took me to the tiny woodshop behind our house.
On the table was laying some type of a blueprint or plans for a project.
My father was quite the handyman and was always working on something around the house, but these wooden boat plans looked MUCH different than any I had seen in the past!
A Piece of “Paper” For My Birthday Present?
He continued to tell me that this was my birthday present.
I have to say for a moment I was incredibly disappointed.
My father then proceeded to explain that these plans would help us to build my first model boat… I know, not what you were thinking.
Because of our financial circumstances, my father and I were never able to construct anything larger than a simple model, but my passion for boats only grew.
On a trip back home after the death of my father, I was going through some of his old things and found that first boat we’d built together.
I’d be lying if I said it didn’t bring back some of the best memories of my life.
I loved building those tiny boats and always dreamt about building the “real thing”.
These Boat Plans Could Have Been Written In Greek!
When I got back home, I found a local shop that had plans for a small dinghy.
It was a very basic boat, but I ran home with the boat building plans and got to work. I’d done this several times before, just on a smaller scale.
However, after slaving away for countless hours and using any spare time that I had on my project, I realized that it was not coming together as easily as I had thought.
The plans I had purchased were incredibly difficult to understand and left a lot to be desired.
It could well have been written in Greek!
I ended up guessing and basically had a half-finished boat that could not be salvaged.
I Almost Give Up On Boat Building Forever
I’m sure most of you have been there at some point… you’ve put your blood, sweat, and tears into a new project and get stumped somewhere along the way.
The worst part is when your significant other or one of your friends asks that inevitable question, “How’s that boat coming along?”
Nothing is more disappointing than starting something and not being able to finish it. I’ve been there, and IT FEELS LOUSY.
Just when I was about to give it all up, through sheer luck, I was fortunate enough to be introduced to a local, master boat builder.
He held my hand over the next year and would help me “fill in the gaps” on the boat plans I had purchased.
This gentleman truly took an interest in me and my passion for boats.
I think he was just trying to give something back…
It Took The Mentoring Of A Master Boat Builder To Complete My First Boat
Eventually, my skills improved, and I could proudly say that I had completed my first wooden boat.
Without that man’s knowledge, I never would have succeeded on my own by solely using the low quality, expensive boat plans that are commonly available.
And what I discovered was this:
Building boats is not hard if you have a step-by-step approach to follow.
31 years later, I’m still building boats.
Over the years, I’ve amassed over 500 of my own boat plans!
In order to help out some of my friends that also participate in this great past-time…
I decided to go above and beyond and include simple, easy-to-follow, step by step instructions with all of my boat plans.
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