Plant Based Recipe Cookbook 2.0 – 100+ Done-for-you Vegan Recipes

You’re here because you already know a vegan diet is healthier than any other diet that exists. Research shows there’s been a 600% increase in the number of people who have made the switch to a vegan diet.
With the growing number of plant-based enthusiasts constantly on the rise, there has never been a better time to eliminate meat and dairy from your diet.
If you’ve spent any time at all on social media, you’d probably think a good portion of the world was vegan.
And why not? With over 90 million #vegan posts on Instagram alone, it’s easy to say why Plant-based foods are one of the hottest trends in the food industry right now.

There’s no debate when you look at the latest evidence.

Eating a whole-food, plant-based vegan diet, without the consumption of meat or dairy is beneficial for our health and wellbeing.

Vegan foods such as vegetables, fruit, grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds are low in saturated fat.  Even high-fat plant foods (such as avocados, nuts, and seeds), contain no cholesterol whatsoever, so a vegan diet is cholesterol-free. 

A vegan diet is also packed with antioxidants and fibers which can enhance your health, your body, and muscle recovery.

Eating a whole-food, plant-based diet without meat, dairy or eggs can help lower your cholesterol and improve your heart health.

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