Videly Reviews – Legit SEO Video Marketing Traffic Program?

Videly is a digital marketing tool sold online through

The tool pushes targeted traffic to your website without backlinks, ad spending, or prior SEO knowledge.

Does Videly really work? How does Videly work? Find out everything you need to know about Videly today in our review.

What is Videly?

Videly is a traffic generation tool that uses YouTube to deliver more views for your offers, local business, videos, or blog.

The tool claims to work without requiring you to spend money on advertisements. You also don’t need any prior SEO knowledge, nor do you need to learn anything.

Instead, Videly markets itself as a cost-effective way to get top rankings and a stream of targeted visitors to your websites and videos.

Videly is priced at $47. You can exclusively buy it through, where a 30-day moneyback guarantee backs all purchases.

Obviously, it’s easy to claim to generate traffic and increase rankings – but does Videly have the results to back it up? How does Videly work? Let’s take a closer look.

Videly Features & Benefits

Videly claims to offer all of the following features and benefits:

  • Made after reverse-engineering the Google and YouTube ranking systems
  • Finds untapped keywords buyers are using
  • Drives 100% free visitors from Google and YouTube
  • Get more views, more viewers, more subscribers, more leads, and more sales
  • Works in English and any other language in any niche
  • 100% white hat
  • Works without knowing SEO, building backlinks, writing content, or paying for ads.

In other words, Videly claims to be the all-in-one traffic generation solution anyone can use to direct free, targeted traffic to their online properties.

How Does Videly Work?

Videly uses YouTube’s ranking system to push targeted traffic to your online properties.

You find keywords, create a YouTube video with those keywords in your title, description, and tags, then direct traffic to your website through your YouTube video.

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When you search certain keywords on Google, YouTube videos appear near the top – even if those YouTube videos have few views or are relatively new. In some niches, you can outrank older, more established websites simply by being the only video in that niche.

Of course, a well-optimized YouTube video also appears near the top of YouTube search rankings. When someone types your keyword into YouTube, they’ll see your Videly-optimized video above your competitors’ videos.

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Anyone can do this independently, but Videly uses a proprietary system to identify competitors’ videos, find their weak spots, and tell you how to beat those videos in search rankings. Videly tells you the specific combination of tags, titles, and description keywords to use to outrank competitors in that niche.

Here’s the three-step process Videly uses to direct targeted traffic to your website:

  • Step 1) Find highly-profitable keywords.
  • Step 2) Generate title, description, and tags.
  • Step 3) Upload a video and past the title, description, and tags.

Once you’ve done that, your video does the rest of the work for you. Your video sits on YouTube, collecting views and directing targeted traffic to your website.

As the makers of Videly explain, “the traffic potential in SEO is absolutely insane.” By creating a video that sits on the front page of a high-traffic niche, you can push huge amounts of targeted traffic to whatever you like.

The company insists that the old-school way of pushing traffic is obsolete: you no longer need to build hundreds of thousands of high-quality backlinks and monitor them daily. Instead, you create a YouTube video with the right terms, then sit back and watch traffic flow to your website.

Why YouTube?

YouTube plays a crucial role in Videly’s traffic generation process.

Obviously, YouTube is owned by Google. The two platforms complement each other. Google pushes traffic towards YouTube, and Google quickly indexes new YouTube videos.

Videly takes advantage of this connection to push targeted traffic to your website through YouTube.

Some of the advantages of YouTube, according to Videly, include:

Instant Indexed by Google and YouTube: Instead of waiting for search engines to index your backlinks, you can watch as Google and YouTube instantly index your video. Obviously, YouTube is indexed much more frequently than other websites, which means your video appears in search rankings more quickly.

Higher Rankings Than Websites: Google pushes certain videos to the top of search rankings, even if those videos are lower-quality than the websites below. In recent years, Google has started to display videos alongside website rankings. You can take advantage of this system to direct free traffic to your website.

YouTube is the Baby Brother of Google: As Videly explains, YouTube is Google’s “baby brother.” That’s why the company claims YouTube videos give Videly “an unfair advantage over regular website rankings.” Google wants to promote YouTube, pushing YouTube videos high up search rankings – even if those videos are nothing special.

Appear on Google and YouTube: When you create a perfectly-ranked YouTube video, you don’t just appear at the top of search rankings on Google; you also appear at the top of search rankings on YouTube. If someone types your keyword into YouTube, your video will be at or near the top after using Videly.

Videly Reverse Engineered the YouTube and Google Ranking System

Videly claims to have reverse-engineered the ranking system used by Google and YouTube.

When you buy Videly, you get access to the data the firm has collected. Anyone can create a YouTube video for a small niche and watch free traffic arrive. However, Videly creates the right title, description, and tags to give you the best chance of high search rankings.

Here’s how Videly explains it:

“We reverse-engineered YouTube and Google’s ranking system! We were determined to figure out exactly what the Google algorithm likes and doesn’t like when it comes to ranking videos.”

Videly researched things like:

  • How many related keywords you should use in your description
  • How many views, social signals, and other factors it takes for a video to start appearing on search rankings
  • How many times you should repeat the main keyword in the title
  • The most important ranking factors that YouTube uses to calculate videos

As Videly explains, anyone can exploit this system manually, but it takes hours to optimize a single video. Videly optimizes videos quickly. It’s a shortcut to video marketing.


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